Asian Inspired

Of all the culinary influences that Emily's New York City upbringing gave her, none had quite so much impact as the varied flavors of Asia. For such an enormous continent with so many national and local cuisines, it's no surprise that the breadth of flavors is so impressive. From bibimbap in Koreatown, through Japanese sushi, Chinese pork buns, Vietnamese pho, and curries with Indian spices, New York is the ideal American city to get a little taste of everything.

Here we’ve collected our favorite Asian-inspired, -inflected, and -flavored recipes from our blog. Whether you’re looking for Kimchi Pancakes, Bulgogi Burgers, Gochujang Chicken or Summer Rolls, you’ll find them all here. Oh, and if you're wondering what you'll need in your kitchen to cook these dishes, here's our guide to stocking an Asian pantry.