Food Photography

We have one simple goal when it comes to our food photography: to make you hungry. We aim to let the food speak for itself, and as much as possible, avoid using artificial products to change the appearance of the dish (ie, we eat what we shoot!)

Don’t forget to check out our brand campaigns and travel photography. Or click here to talk with us about your project!
Red poached pears arranged on a plate
A pewter plate with braised red cabbage and a napkin
A pewter plate of sliced steak with sauce and radishes arranged on the side
A braised and a small plate on a table, with cooked duck legs and lentils arranged in them
Hands holding a bowl with tofu, veggies and drizzled sauce
A bowl of chicken soup with noodles
An arrangement of vegetables, a cut of beef, a bottle of wine and a Dutch Oven on a table
A bowl of colorful red curry with rice and limes around it
Bowls of brown creamy mushroom soup
A bright red cocktail with strawberries on a plate and red flowers in a vase
A decanter of whisky with a glass of whisky and a bowl of small tangerines
Bowls of cooked mussels with fennel and chorizo
Fruit in bowls next to a bowl of oats and a low Dutch oven
A baking dish of pink ice cream with a scoop sitting in it
A dip surrounded by colorful cut veggies
Baked eggs over greens in little cast iron skillets
A red curd tart sliced on plates
Cured salmon with a beet-red skin, sliced thin and surrounded by sliced veggies
A Dutch oven with two proofing loaves of bread in baskets
A bunch of beets in a wooden box